#044 A Wish Denied
on December 19, 2019
at 3:11 am
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, Katherine is the smartest one in the group
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I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, Katherine is the smartest one in the group
Cuddlep00pĀ Links
O.O Protect her in her research project! *weeb guardians emerge*
Oh, so THIS is how her friend from Japan came to be.
Oh my gods.. it is!!!
Holy shit 10/10 memory
Ooh, I see cuddlep00p has learned title text!
Oh the possibilities are endless …
Time to bring some more toys to life.
My brother likes to make a distinction between smart and intelligent, because he works with a lot of intelligent people who are dumb as ****. He considers people with a good amount of common sense to be smart, while intelligent is the people who have the IQ.
It makes some sense. You have a guy who never got a degree in charge of a bunch of engineers because they’re somehow not smart enough to make sure basic procedures are being followed without being told.
That’s fairly normal though and why these people, with 4 year degrees, will not get paid as much as him(a fairly average Joe) who doesn’t even have an Associate’s.
The point of this story? None, really, just informative.