#034 Sharp and Lucky
on October 10, 2019
at 3:22 am
The only thing I find in my apple is more apple and that’s some bullshit
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The only thing I find in my apple is more apple and that’s some bullshit
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I got a rock
Mmm … Mine’s got cyani– x.x
Joey’s got an oddly femenine touch to his costume…huh.
He’s hunched over his shaving cream apple, so it might just be a perspective thing. He’s never really had a very stocky frame to begin with.
WAIT is that false blood, or did she try to eat that apple?
Fun fact: No one has ever gotten candy with a razor in it.
Not a single report of tampered candy has every been confirmed in North American history. It’s a myth. A myth happily spread by all news media every October since at least the early 80s.
Makes you wonder who starts these crazy rumors doesn’t it?
Actually it’s not hard to guess at all.
How many boxes of tiny sealed candy bars and little bags of chips have you bought for Trick-or-treaters (or received if you’re younger) in your lifetime, because they’re “safe”?