#276 4th of July 2024
on July 4, 2024
at 12:11 am
Best case scenario those fireworks go out when the water soaks them. They won’t
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Best case scenario those fireworks go out when the water soaks them. They won’t
Cuddlep00p Links
hey cuddlep00p, hope your fourth was a good one
Thank you!
Even Kevin stops laying on the floor for the Fourth of July. Then again, laying down at the bottom of a pool takes effort, and he ain’t about that.
Whoa! Brah!!! How is Katherine just… like… FLOATING LIKE THAT?!?
If that was a leap off the edge of that pool, it looks like she’s in for a painful bellyflop… and also if she timed it just right, got just the right trajectory, angle through the air, etc., she’ll tackle Carmen, and manage to land with her thighs wrapped around Kevin’s head, (a win-win for her,) and then… FIREWORKS will go off! It’s Joey’s inexplicably above-ground pool, so… he gets to watch this F-F-M three-way for free. Kevin may or may not come away from this with a broken collarbone, and Carmen’s poor boobs are gonna get all kinds of touched. If any of them are drunk, one or more may walk away from these shenanigans pregnant… and it may or may not be Katherine. Could be Carmen… or… Kevin?!? JOEY?!?!? It’s a web-comic, so anything can happen, right? RIGHT?!?