I know Joey’s mum really wanted him to improve on his studies, but history lessons hasn’t stopped history repeating, much like Joey in 3rd grade maths for 3 years.
Of course Joey spent 3 years doing grade 3 math. It’s grade THREE. How long did you expect him to do it? I mean, EVERYONE did 3rd grade math for three years… me, you… everyone! My Mommy said so! I was so good at it in fact, that they said after I was done that I didn’t even have to DO grade 4, which is the highest grade there is! Again, Mommy said so! What… Why are you all looking at me like that?
The way you draw eyes really activates my almonds. I love your art.
I’m glad you enjoy the comic, thank you thank you!
No, thank you!
Well, at least Carmen doesn’t have to worry about wet hair anymore.
I know Joey’s mum really wanted him to improve on his studies, but history lessons hasn’t stopped history repeating, much like Joey in 3rd grade maths for 3 years.
Of course Joey spent 3 years doing grade 3 math. It’s grade THREE. How long did you expect him to do it? I mean, EVERYONE did 3rd grade math for three years… me, you… everyone! My Mommy said so! I was so good at it in fact, that they said after I was done that I didn’t even have to DO grade 4, which is the highest grade there is! Again, Mommy said so! What… Why are you all looking at me like that?
Wait, so Joey is made out of pure potassium?
New lore revealed!