#217 Shiver me Limb-ers
on April 27, 2023
at 6:27 am
If you guys were wondering whether she meant Celsius or Fahrenheit, it was Kelvin. It’s very cold at the beach sometimes.
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Cuddlep00p Links
If you guys were wondering whether she meant Celsius or Fahrenheit, it was Kelvin. It’s very cold at the beach sometimes.
Cuddlep00p Links
It’s not that bad. I’ve played in Jersey ocean water before. For hours.
We once went to the beach in Delaware in October and this old lady just walked into the water like it was nothing and swam around. The water was so cold it made my feet ache just wading in a few inches. Lady was a soldier…
The number of times Katherine has subjected herself to freezing conditions is starting to make me believe that she actually likes it. Someone should just tell her about Polar Bear plunges; she could raise some charity money or become a member of a club where she could spend time with others who also love lowering their core body temperature.
I’m glad I found this comic again! It’s been a long time since I read it, and I’m happy to see it still going, especially now that I’m caught up again!