#210 Omnipotently Vague
on March 9, 2023
at 4:40 am
If the internet ever shuts down, there’s a non zero chance magic 8 balls will be the primary source of problem solving. Unbiased. Unflinching. Flawless. Outlook good. Signs point to yes.
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Insert the “Listen here you little shit” meme.
If you’re a parent, buy a Magic 8-Ball for your kids and let them ask all sorts of questions. Then explain to them why there’s no definitive Yes or No in the answers and explain to them what weasel words are.
Hey Cuddlep00p, no comic this week? I hope you’re doing alright.
Apologies 🙁
The site is being funky and not letting me upload anything unfortunately
But until I figure it out, if you wanna see this weeks comic, it’s live on the webtoons 8)
No worries, I’m not in any rush. You’re just the most consistent webcomic I know, up there with SMBC. I’m just glad you’re not incapacitated. Good luck fixing your site!
Thank you thank you! The new comic is live on the site now! I think I’ve got it all figured out 8)