#182 Arms Race
on August 25, 2022
at 5:21 am
“Treat every wizard fight like your opponent is packing a Beretta M9” -Gandalf 2022
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Cuddlep00p Links
“Treat every wizard fight like your opponent is packing a Beretta M9” -Gandalf 2022
Cuddlep00p Links
This is my seconded favorite anime.
Is this why Joey dad not in comic lately ?
Wait he has a dad?
The secret is in the wording of panel four. You might not be able to tell because of the contraction, but he’s saying “My dad is gun”. The gun IS his dad.
Don’t ask any of the questions this brings up, and don’t kink-shame his mom.
Joey’s mom is suddenly paying attention because maybe she’ll finally learn who her husband is.
I feel like a déjà-vu…
i have dug. and I HAVE FOUND IT! still an amazing comic though :p http://www.soggycardboard.com/?comic=181-altering-the-deal
from may of 2018
Thanks for the digging. I was thinking about doing it, and you’ve let me benefit from being able to compare the repeat to the original/previous, without having to get my hands dirty sifting through all those grimy old dusty bits.
I like the style of this one much more than the previous version. I think the gun in this one must have been drawn from a photoreference, which seems less likely for the previous.
I like CuddleP00P’s approach to redoing the old work. Some webcomic artists just post an updated version, without generally acknowledging they’ve done so. (I can think of one off the top of my head, and it’s kind of annoying, especially when the change actually alters what happens in the comic. Not a fan of that kind of business. Another, by contrast, posts the update in the place of the original, with a link to the previous version so the reader can compare and contrast them. Working the redoing into the comic itself through the mechanism of Katherine “resetting” the comic is an approach I don’t think I’ve seen done anywhere else, and I like it, as a narrative device. Both the latter approaches denecessitate using a web-archive to view previous versions of the comic, which is good because doing that is a bit of a pain. (I first became aware of this when early commenters referrenced things that don’t appear in the comic, because the author left the comments up, which then later made no sense unless you were aware that the events depicted had actually changed. Most of these changes were inconsequential but a few materially affected at least minor details of the story. Anyway…)
As an adendum… early S.F. author Robert Heinlein did this once, with his book “Podkane of Mars,” in which a serialized version was, IIRC, published in a science fiction/fantasy magazine, and when, (SPOILER ALERT: … heki llst hema inch arac tero ffat thee nd!) the readers who had been following along got really mad and wrote nasty letters demanding he revise it, or some such thing. He did, and regretted compromising his authorial artistic vision or whatever, so some while later, when published as a standalone novel, he restored the original ending, which while sad, at least has the benefit of being the original intended conclusion. (This sort of thing still happens when films are released into different markets; compare and contrast the ending to the US and International versions of “Army of Darkness” for an example. Another, far more disturbing example, is when the film changes the entire meaning of its source material, as one version of “Animal Farm” does, which had to have the author spinning in his grave, but I digress.)
i honestlyu feel cuddle put in a lot more work on this redo of this comic just cause of the numbers. old one was 181 before continuity reset this one is 182.
At long last, Joey has remembered the (former) existence of his father. Going to rip a hole in the space time continuum AND give his mother an existential crisis since she’s here in this version.
Comic and Recomic sat on a wall. Comic fell off, who’s left? Wait, that’s not quite right. Pete drew a comic and fell off a wall. No, that’s not it. Comic drew Pete falling off a wall… nope. That’s not it either. Wait, I’ll get some coffee and work this out.
I just happened to link the older comic to my discord page and it’s interesting to compare the old and new style.
I’m a little divided, as I like how the older ones had the lighting and shading effects. But overall, the newer one is nicer and the posing is a massive improvement.