#176 Planning an End
on July 14, 2022
at 10:00 am
Someone (I made up) wise once told me “If you’re never for something, it’ll never happen”. Now in all fairness, that hasn’t worked on a whole lot of things so far, but I’m still alive, so I’m betting on this being the exception.
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Does Joey know something his mother doesn’t? Joey’s question seems disturbing but in his defense, his grandmother DID just die only a few short years ago, or several years from now, depending on how old Joey is in a given comic.
See soggycardboard.com/?comic=004-9-years-forward-2-steps-back .
Joey may have seen the plot for a future installment and knows he’s going to have to do something with his mother’s body in the near and/or distant future depending on whether he’s an adult or a child again when it happens.
My prediction: Joey’s Mom gets all dolled up for a special occasion and becomes so HOT that she bursts into flames and dies from being too literal.
Spoiler Alert: Joey’s Mom makes no plans and forces him to deal with it as a form of posthumous punishment.
What the heck brah…I now I know the ending!