#100 Celebration
on January 14, 2021
at 12:30 am
Here’s to 1000 more 😉
Panel 1: Mr Pecu – Twitter
Panel 2: Knuxy – Twitter
Panel 3: Knuxy – Twitter
Panel 4: Calponpon – Twitter
Panel 5: DublyMike – Twitter
Panel 6: A Fellow Named Jam – Twitter
Panel 7: DemonBloodPal – Twitter/Webcomic Tapas/Webcomic Webtoons
Panel 8: Ninecolor – Twitter
Panel 8: Stealth
Panel 10: Rafchu – Twitter
Panel 11: Beta’s Inferno – Twitter
I can’t thank everyone enough who helped make this massive collaboration possible. The amount of support and cooperation and willingness to pump this out with under a month of preparation is absolutely astounding. I love you all <3
And I know this goes without saying, but please check out their works! They’re all amazing artists!
Read on Webtoons!
Cuddlep00p Links
Less than three right back at ya! Here’s to 10,000 comics!
Isn’t this actually the 320th comic
Looks like 324 total, actually. I counted 4 non-numbered holiday comics mixed in early on.
Oh, thank goodness… I thought it was about to reset again. Let’s not do that… please? I’d like the comic to run long enough to see if and when Katherine finally manages to nail ONE of her love-interests. She’s gotta be getting frustrated by now. Or Joey.
Didn’t she nail Kevin’s grandma with a crowbar?
Who said that? Did anyone else hear that? Someone said something… LOL
I don’t recall, but I didn’t mean ‘nail’ in the assault-and-battery sense, nor an indictment sense, but rather in a ‘have sexual intercourse with’ sense.
Welcome to SoggyCardboard comments.
I get this feeling you get sarcasm in the comics but assume the comments are 100% serious.
Someone understands what you meant, it’s a pun.
Someone made a joke.
The r/whooosh is too strong from your comments that i’m trynna google and see if J. Craig is like… some character known for being overly literal.
Comments in a place like this are just text. I find that sarcasm is harder to detect in text, especially if I don’t know anything about the author of a comment and therefore have no frame of reference with which to evaluate whether or not the author of a remark was being sarcastic. I don’t know what ‘r/[anything]’ means. What’s the “r” stand for? (No I’m not being sarcastic.)
And I suppose I have on occasion had difficulty telling, in real life, when people are being sarcastic and when they’re not. Then again, I have taken a few blows to the head in my life. Perhaps I’m brain-damaged.
So just to recap, when ‘Someone’ (1/15/21, 1:30AM) wrote “Didn’t she nail Kevin’s grandma with a crowbar?” I understood that that was a humorous reference to the time Katherine attacked Kevin’s mother, in which the artist resorted to using simple stick-figures on lined paper to depict the characters to avoid being overly gory and for humorous purposes, (after all, we DID see someone get straight-up hit by a car, also wielded by Katherine,) and employ a pun, playing on two of the meanings of the word “nail,” contrasting how I used it as a synonym for “to have sexual intercourse with,” and another definition, in which it means ‘to hit,’ as one might strike a nail (the source of this usage, I believe) with a hammer.
I get that the expression, “less than three” in Blood Dragon’s comment, was a spelling out of this emoticon, “<3" which resembles a heart symbol, both of which are used synonymously with the word "love," in rejoinder to the text above, underneath the comic, from the author which reads, "I love you all <3"
My above remark, "Who said that?" Was a joke, of course, because the name associated with the post I was replying to was "Someone," which is really generic. I do not warrant that the joke was actually funny to anyone but me, but I tried.
Hope this helped.
0) r/ is a reddit thing. the subcommunities (known as Subreddits) are prefixed with r/. r/whooosh (specifically with 3 o’s) is the subreddit where people post pictures of others not getting a joke. (The joke goes over their head. thus the whoo- i assume you got the point like 3 sentences ago so i’ll stop)
1) that’s too verbose a response for my monkey-brain, so i just skimmed it, seems like i went too far somewhere and deserved that amount of response. so i’d like to apologize if i seemed antagonizing; i was not trying to.
1.3) yes the irony of me commenting on that’s post’s length given this one is not lost on me
1.5) you’re not Dain-Bramaged any more than the rest of us, friendo. have you seen some of these? We’re all in the same boat headspace wise XD.
2) I was double confirming you got someone’s joke on the word nail **because** you went on to clarify how you had meant it, but both parties understood how you meant it and how he meant it. so it just struck me as “maybe this person isn’t seeing it.” I’m glad to know i was wrong 🙂
3) I would never believe someone (anyone!) who says they don’t understand <3. and likewise i wouldn't ever accuse someone of not understanding <3. if i worded something to make it sound like i accused you of not understanding <3 then that's on past-me for being a lame-o.
4) i got the joke. i referenced it in my post.
haha… yeah… 100….
0/10 neither chair from panel 5 which should be visible in panel 9 are present.
Kids cool down and no more suger for today!