#079 Reach for the Stars
on August 20, 2020
at 5:49 am
Which is more fun? Exploring the endless boundaries of space? Or bummin it on the couch? Think about it
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Which is more fun? Exploring the endless boundaries of space? Or bummin it on the couch? Think about it
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Bummin, every time without question.
According to Red Dwarf, you can do both.
Better watch out Joey,
Keep bending time like that and deviating the future, you’re going to create a time whirlpool (slow progress on time progression) and eventually create a time flush!
Which is infinite recursion causing no chronological progression and heavy compression of time, eventually causing an implosion!
Whether the flush is counter clockwise or clockwise, though, depends on which hemisphere you reside in (if you live on the equator you enter the land of the ravenous Langoliers of Stephan Kang), so beware and relocate accoringly!
Be advised : some theories apply a universal scale of coordinate divergence based upon planet, solor system, galaxy, etc… shift. So make sure you have a vacuum sealed ship capable of FTL travel and pray you dont re-phase into a star, blackhole, or solid-mass!
Though since Joey is a time lord, the prior would not apply to him (obviously).
This would (theoretically) only be applicable if a regular (meer) mortal were to survive the cataclysm of a time flush.