Actually, I did this once. But I ate it while going over a speed bump after getting into my neighborhood. I bailed properly, and only bruised one tomato. Didn’t even break any eggs. *dons sunglasses*
Wow I’m caught up. I have read all of this crazy, time travel, reality warping, deity questioning, artistic nonsense, and now I have only one question!
This. This right here is proper adulting.
Actually, I did this once. But I ate it while going over a speed bump after getting into my neighborhood. I bailed properly, and only bruised one tomato. Didn’t even break any eggs. *dons sunglasses*
There is no hover tooltip message. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Joey’s so rad he can ignore his responsibilities while fulfilling his responsibilities.
A whole new way to grind on the couch! 😀
You can’t even imagine how much I want to upvote this comment right now
Hey! I +1 U too, I B Me!
Sorry it took so long to reply!
Have we ever seen Joey’s eye color before? That was weird to me.
Wow I’m caught up. I have read all of this crazy, time travel, reality warping, deity questioning, artistic nonsense, and now I have only one question!
Who the H*ck is Kevin?