#050 A Little Catchy
on January 30, 2020
at 12:00 am
J Momma should be proud. Y’know how hard to is to physically capture Ebola?
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J Momma should be proud. Y’know how hard to is to physically capture Ebola?
Cuddlep00pĀ Links
Oh my, oh mama
Oh mamma mia
oh me oh my
Joey’s dot-eyed simple faces are always fun, but these full-eyed expressions are priceless.
Pshhh, Ebola is so last decade. Coronavirus is the new hotness. ;P
Man, that shit is scary with Coronavirus. My girlfriend is scared to come over cuz i live in the touristy area where all the Chinese folks come… We only have 15 confirmed cases in Korea so far, but it’s still scary. Everyone’s wearing masks and shit.
Regardless, comic’s funny af
Also, who does gardening in light colored pants? Unless Joey’s mom is looking to……….. get dirty
She had to bury Kevin quickly before Joey saw everything so there was no time to change into her gardening outfit. That little sprout is literally and figuratively a cover-up.
god damn you fiend, kevin lives
Justice for Kevin
I never said anything about Kevin dying, just that Joey’s mom had to bury him quickly. She’s doing him a favor. It’s how he escapes Katherine so effectively. They’ve set up one of those self-contained prison/coffins that psycho killers love to torture people with in movies & TV.
For Kevin, it’s like a little slice of Heaven.