#061 Murder on Main Street – Part 2
And so it begins.
Now the results of this vote survey should be hidden. If they are not then that is my fault and I will let them remain public out of shame on my behalf. BUT the results will be hidden until the FINAL COMIC of this arc where the murder will be revealed, as based on the majority vote!
Over the next few weeks I’ll be having Joey “question” each subject, so your viewpoint might change. But your vote only counts once. So be careful…
On a side note you see those beautiful portraits? The ones of the cast? Yeah those were done by my good friend who’s commission site I love to shove down your throats like a cheap whore. And for the low low price of *insert price here* you too can get a picture of whateverrr you waaaant as long as its not pooorn!
No serious check it out she’s wonderful and we’re working in collaboration on a second comic thingy so there’s my seal of approval right der.
ANYWAYS thanks for stopping by and I love you and make sure you give me a kiss on the way out k? K.
(PS this months Patreons got a picture of Carmens butt)
(Look at what you’re missing. Lookatit)
Suicide, or maybe self homicide. Calling upcoming time travel comic.
It was meeee
I hated him sooooo much, it was like…
Flames… o-on the… on the side of my…. flames on my face.
Fuck the Comic! DAT PATREON BOOTY! Look at that booty. Show me the booty. Gimme the booty. I want the booty.
Back up tha booty. I need tha booty.
I like the booty. Oh, what a booty.
Shakin’ that booty. I saw tha booty.
I want the booty. Lord, what a booty.
Bring on tha booty. Give up tha booty.
Lovin’ tha booty. Round booty.
Down for tha booty. I want tha booty.
Huntin’ tha booty. Chasin’ tha booty.
Casing tha booty. Gettin’ tha booty.
Beautiful booty. Smokin’ booty.
Talk to tha booty. More booty.
Fine booty.
I REALLY hope the mysterious stranger is the vulgar cat in disguise!
Obviously it’s Blueberry.
Important question about the character bios: why does everyone have a middle name? My immersion is broken.
Because they’re not FREAKS.
I have a middle name. It’s my father’s first name. And my grandfathers middle name. Actually my name is the exact same as my grandfather on my fathers side. And my dad’s middle name is my first name. Freaky huh?
So your father had the same middle and first name??
My middle name is X. X is my father’s first name. My grandfathers middle name is also X. Both my grandfather and I have Y as our first name. My dad’s middle name is Y.
I couldn’t take the damn wordy explanations anymore, I had to work it out and write it down:
Dad: X. Y.
You: Y. X.
Grandad: Y. X.
Some people just word too much :/
And then the damn dohicky ate my formatting -_-. Let’s try again:
Dad: X. Y. {Surname}
You: Y. X. {Surname}
Grandad: Y. X. {Surname}
I’m going to wait and see if the mysterious stranger is a truck. In murder mysteries, it’s always the truck.
David Hasselhoff raped me once. I was surprised when he came out of my closet that had been closed for 4 years and that was barely big enough for a cat.
Ok so i’m just now getting off a cold that made me have to visit the hospital but not the point, one night i wasn’t able to sleep due to the cold and my brain was coming up with weird shit due to the restlessness. and i was thinking of this murder mystery thing and how the killer was a guy named Flip Anderson who stabbed him all 467 times by flipping a knife through the air majestically 467 times and never missing. (he’s apparently that skilled) than shot him three times, and broke his toe. apparently my brain is weird at 4 am. mentioning this cause i thought it’d give you a laugh Cuddlep00p.