I’ve never understood the hatred for candy corn. I mean, yeah, it’s not competing with Reese’s or Yorks, but it’s still a pile of sugar. I assume it’s like the cilantro thing.
It seems like there’s been a big misunderstanding here…
The seasonal tragedy isn’t candy corn. It’s people who don’t casually dress up in the weeks leading up to Hallowe’en. There’s only one day for full-on costumes, but the entire month can be low-key costumed for maximum fun.
Carmen’s shirt may be appropriately colored for candy corn, but it’s not enough. Katherine has the right idea with witchy stockings and hat.
Image does not appear for me.
Very strange, should be fixed!
“No HTML, Gallery or Featured Image Found.”
Should be fixed now!
There is no image
Should be fixed!
I’ve never understood the hatred for candy corn. I mean, yeah, it’s not competing with Reese’s or Yorks, but it’s still a pile of sugar. I assume it’s like the cilantro thing.
Imaged fix… Also I think you jump the gun in this comic Cuddlep00p…
How are you gonna top something scarier than this?
I actually like candy corn quite a bit. Am I insane? Just a little bit, but that’s unrelated.
Is there a comparative tragedy in every season?
Can’t believe it’s been 10 years since the first comic was posted
Candy corn is only good if handed to you unpackaged and ungloved
It seems like there’s been a big misunderstanding here…
The seasonal tragedy isn’t candy corn. It’s people who don’t casually dress up in the weeks leading up to Hallowe’en. There’s only one day for full-on costumes, but the entire month can be low-key costumed for maximum fun.
Carmen’s shirt may be appropriately colored for candy corn, but it’s not enough. Katherine has the right idea with witchy stockings and hat.