#180 Hopefully Vacant
on August 11, 2022
at 12:23 pm
You know how sometimes kids bounce back from injury that would incapacitate an adult? That’s not because of height or weight or physics. That’s because it’s scientifically proven that childlike wonder acts as a forcefield to precarious shenanigans. I’d say to try it out, but if you’re reading this there’s a good chance that it’s too late 🙁
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i so love ” i am the cool kid” expression in the last panel
Jumping out of a tree is the coolest thing you can do after climbing a tree
So…did Joey’s mom ever officially adopt her as a second kid. I’ve always wondered how stuff you’d need a parents signature would work.
Pretty sure Joey’s mom is just waiting for David Hasselhoff to come get her.
I’m always surprised that Joey made it to adulthood and Joey’s mom didn’t end up in a psych ward.