#173 Bug Bother
on June 23, 2022
at 9:18 am
That bird saved us from the ladybug revolution we’ve had coming for decades.
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That bird saved us from the ladybug revolution we’ve had coming for decades.
Cuddlep00pĀ Links
A dog from the city was visiting the country for the first time, when he chanced upon a horse. The dog had never seen a horse in its life but had heard descriptions. Timidly, the dog approached the horse, and said, “pardon me, but either you are the biggest dog I’ve ever seen, or you have to be a horse. I mean no offense but I must ask: which are you? Are you a giant dog or are you simply a horse?”
The horse regarded the dog, bemused, and replied, “Well I’ll be damned… a talking dog!”
This is not precisely the same type of joke as today’s comic, but it’s similar.
Never break a deal with a human.