#163 Questionnaire – Part 2
on January 11, 2018
at 2:14 am
First batch of questions have been asked! I like doing these. I don’t have to think as hard for jokes. I’;; be accepting next weeks questions in these comments as well, so if you have something you wanna ask, feel free!
Cuddlep00pĀ Links
C0lornami – Colorist
Cool Friends Cool Art
Also, Jumjumbalaya drew me some fanart
Kat: What if…… Katherine 2020? *nudge nudge wink wink*
Dude… I mean I want it but I don’t have enough chainsaws to protect myself during inauguration.
Have any of you ever been on the other side of the fourth wall?
Can Joey explain to us the definition of math?
How many popsicles can Katherine fit in her mouth at once?
what is the favorite music of each caracter
Question time!
Cuddlepoop: where do you draw most of your inspiration from for your comics?
Carmen: what did joey do to you in order for you to tolerate him?
Joey: what does your favorite color sound like?
Katherine: Kit-kat or Reese’s?
Kevin: what is your life ambition?
the one for carmen was answered in comic #1, inevitable sexual tension in their teenage years
Aw, yea, I forgot about that; thanks for the reminder.
Whats the favourite pasttime activity you four do?
How did Kevin and Joey become friends?
where did the Hasselhoff man go?
Does Carmen kno da wae?
I knew Kat had forgotten who Kevin is.
Cuddlep00p: Are the last four panels of this comic related to each other?
group female bikini shot? please?
What would ot take for Katherine to be my girlfriend?
this was posted on my birthday, oh my, also, question for Kevin: will you ever finally die?
Where the fuck is vulgar house cat.