#125 Friendly Neighborhood Hype-Man
on April 13, 2017
at 2:31 am
I wish I had someone encouraging my poops. Takes like 5 hours otherwise
Cuddlep00pĀ Links
TengenĀ – Colorist
Cool Friends Cool Art
I wish I had someone encouraging my poops. Takes like 5 hours otherwise
Cuddlep00pĀ Links
TengenĀ – Colorist
Cool Friends Cool Art
Is it just me, or are Carmen’s boobs just getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger.
The Carmen Law: Breasts = Biggest. Size may vary from comic to comic but the one constant is they’re the biggest in the room. If no other boobs are present, they are simply big. This is just the way it is. It’s how the world stays in balance
The reason they were so big this episode was due to the fact that she was next to the one of the biggest boobs their is.
I definitely the support her steadily growing boobs
I honestly cant tell if im really self aware right now or really not self aware
I’m not quite sure how to say this; you made it exerlmtey easy for me!
Hype man kinda looks like he’s related to Gooseman from the Sexual Lobster animations.