#123 2021 Q&A – Part 0
on June 24, 2021
at 12:51 am
All future question for this Q&A will be taken from the comments of this comic 8)
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All future question for this Q&A will be taken from the comments of this comic 8)
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Hey Joey’s mum, how you doin? Dinner this friday?
Carmen, does Sandys addition to the cast, as someone with her head on straight, help you with the daily shenanigans from the other weirdos or is the already corrupted?
Joey, when are you going to ask Carmen out?
Hey Joey, how much of the universe do you control or are you the universe in this universe?
Other than kat, do any of you hooligans have an romantic interest?(that aren’t inanimate objects or waifu/husbandos)
Hey Katherine, you strapped?
Hey Kevin, do you love Katherine?
I still need to know, who the fuck is Kevin!?!
Joey: now that you know (from the past Q&A) that you had a father before Katherine reset the timeline, do you have the power to reach into the old timeline and bring him back?
Sandy: Obviously Joey remembers you, but do you actually remember the small blonde time goblin who visited you when you were younger and said a bunch of nonsense?
And this one’s just sort of general: in the original timeline, when Sandy figured out that you’re in a webcomic and learned where main character Joey lived, Katherine tried to get ahead of her. The question is, since Sandy had some idea of the nature of your universe, and since Katherine knows and often engages in quirky and normally impossible capabilities like altering timelines and invisibility cloaks, would Sandy start getting such strange powers / items if she fully embraced your universe being a webcomic?
Oh, one last thing: everyone looking forward to the next reset in ~ 80 or so weeks?
Much love!
Oh, Joey’s Mom: how do you feel about the fact that Katherine entirely accidentally caused your husband to not be around in the present when she reset the timeline? It really was an accident though, so please don’t be upset with her!
Also, you’re the best mom! Everyone would be lucky to have a mom as great as you are to all of these kids.
Hi Joey! When was the last time you saw your dad?
Kat – did you reset the timeline with your time gun because you knew Soggy Cardboard was going to be featured on Webtoons? Or do you have ulterior motives?
Hey Sandy, you know you punched Katherine in the face when you were kids, in the alternate timeline?
Hey Joey, is there a pattern or any rhyme or reason to when a comic is gonna be more on the serious side or the nonsensical funny side? Like those comics where Kevin made everyone rethink their life.
Question for Joey’s Mom: How much alcohol does it take to cope with Joey?
Question for Katherine: Why?
Question for Sandy: how have you been? How does it feel to be back with your sister?
Oh, and for Carmen: You are my favourite character, hands down, no question, just wanted to tell you
Kevin: We all love you, even the guys who say they don’t, they’re lying. We love you, just not in the scary way like Katherine
When Carmen grows a second canine.
Joey’s Mom: Where your husband at? Also got any sexy pictures of yourself?
A question for everyone: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
To: Katherine- Didn’t your name use to be Catherine (With a “C”) or did I some how end up in a different universe from when I started reading this comic 2-3 Years ago?
To: Kevin- Since it was established in the first Q&A that Joey will not let you die. Have you ever thought about taking up Extreme sport as a career or has C/Katherine already strapped you to a rocket to fire you over the grand canyon only for it to all go wrong?
To: Carmen- Have you gotten your Covid-19 vaccines yet or are you afraid of going because you know that K/Catherine is going disguise herself as a nurse to inject you with either: A, A love potion of some kind that is going to back fire and ruin your day? B, Bodacious boob growth serum to make your boobs bigger and ruin your back. C, Cause you to grow a 2nd fang. D, Does cure/vaccinate you against Covid-19 but also causes a temporal shift where you turn into your younger self at random. E, Everything listed above.
To: Joey- What video game are your friends not allowed to talk about or mention around you due to you getting very carried away in the game and life?
jesus the comment section popping. joey how many times has the timeline be reset, we know kat did it once, but I can’t imagine this was the only time.
p.s. tell kevin i said hi
Kevin, will you be mine next Valentine’s?
Kevin, is there anything good about Catherine’s obsession with you?
We’ve had girl Joey before. What if boy Carmen/Katherine/Sandy? Also girl Kevin?
Also to all: Why soggycarboard?
Carmin, even though Joey has stupid amounts of suspiciously aquired money have you ever considered a career? And if so what kind?
Hey Sandy, what’s your favourite kind of sandwich?
Hey Kevin, who’s your dad? Do you even have a dad, or were you just made to have an occasional appearance as the butt-end of a few jokes?
Hi Kevin,
I also hate interacting with people, can you tell me some of your ‘Joey avoidance’ secrets?
With love and respect
Carmen: Have you ever heard of the phrase ‘Pasta’s straight until it gets wet’? No reason for the question
Sandy: are you singel? Wanna go on a date?
strangest treat you have ever tasted?
Who is each character’s favourite character and why?
What does the author do for the rest of the time? I’ve always wondered why their comics update so infrequently. At least it isn’t Goblins.
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