#055 Paranoid Hominoid
on March 5, 2020
at 12:00 am
First the cookies, then the bean chili?! This woman must be stopped.
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First the cookies, then the bean chili?! This woman must be stopped.
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What about Kevin?
(I’m just gonna keep asking until you give me a solid answer)
I have plans, pls be patient
Thanks dad. ( ՞ਊ՞)
He tried to hide when Katherine entered the room earlier, but made a poor choice by hiding in the couch cushions. That’s why they look so overstuffed.
( ՞ਊ՞)
There’s a distinct lack of chemical face burns on Joey in panel three. From this, I can deduce that ultimately Katherine made the right choice because it appears Joey only used weaksauce in his chili.
I think I may be going crazy or crossed into a different dimension at some point or the time line was changed because I could have sworn you spelled Katherine in your comics with a “C” (Catherine) before now. But I went back and checked your other comics and its seems to be just me… TIME PARADOX!
Ah, it appears the shark was Joey’s spirit animal, and now he is in love (thanks to cupids arrow) with Kat as well.
Is the only male (human) character in this comic going after BOTH the love interests?
If only his no-alarm chili could set off the alarm in Kat’s heart!
P.S. Carmen outfit looks great in the Patron teaser ! Have you done the bandana-kini yet?
Thank you thank you! Can’t say I’ve done that ‘kini just yet
They(and You)’re great!
Those huge bandana bras make the best pirate bandanas ( and midget hammocks ).