We all knew a kid who’s dad, according to him, worked at a very large influential company and would go out of their way to relieve themselves from their busy day, drive all the way back from work, and kick your ass.
Honestly being a dad sound awesome.
Somebody, give me a child. I need an excuse to drop kick toddlers.
I bet my dad can kick his dad’s ass. He’s a gameboy color.
This ain’t no game, boy. I’ll make you bleed pokemon red.
OH yah!
Well my Dad works for Sega and they have what Nintendon’t
My dad works at the hot dog stand that SOLD that dank tee.
oh yeah? my dad is a N64 and even if he can’t beat up your dad, the thousands of jobless-retro-game-loving-manchildren certainly will
Isn’t this kid a bit old for the sandbox?
You could always kidna- I mean, “adopt” one.
She is really tough, we sure she’s not related to some superhero(/supervillian would be amazing) that allowed her to inherit powers of some sort?
The power to take a hit to the back of the head and only have minor brain hemorrhages.
My dad owns that spot in the sandbox.