Everybody knows that there are strict rules regarding cooking. Don’t do it while drunk or high, and NEVER leave the room or fall asleep while cooking (automated slow cookers excepted). Katherine is right to be so agitated over breaking the second rule and I can’t think of any other way she can make amends.
Next comic can be found here: http://www.soggycardboard.com/?comic=001-new-friends-1
I appreciate this
Well played! Ya beat me to the best option! ¡All i have left is one of my <a href="http://www.soggycardboard.com/?comic=105-whats-in-a-character-part-11"runner ups!
Bah, I buggered it up. Need to work on my text linking skills
Everybody knows that there are strict rules regarding cooking. Don’t do it while drunk or high, and NEVER leave the room or fall asleep while cooking (automated slow cookers excepted). Katherine is right to be so agitated over breaking the second rule and I can’t think of any other way she can make amends.
Yep. Time continuum apocalypse is the only viable solution.
vulgar cat is coming back