#210 A Holiday with the Family – Part 2
on December 6, 2018
at 12:28 am
Katherine continuously proving to be the moral compass of the series
Cuddlep00p Links
Krys illustrate – Colorist
Cool Friends Cool Art
Dang I hope all of her other siblings are that hot.
Oh, no! Kat’s mom lost all her welfare babies!
Wait, is that a nod to Bullwinkle J. Moose / Rocket J. Squirrel?
w..what part?!?!?
maybe also Michigan J. Frog
It’s gotta be weird to see the sister of someone who’s attracted to you also be attracted to you. And that’s really saying something given this cast.
I know I said Carmen is actually Kevin in a costume, but I didn’t think it went cannon
Dat cute cat face in the 4th panel…. I smell shenanigans!
She seems more like the flirty ‘just kidding!’ or “hmmmm?”
As opposed to Kats flirting style “imma tie you up now swallow these pills,” type.
…who the hell is Amber? What’s a Kevin?