#204 Unfreezeonable
on January 26, 2023
at 10:29 am
We’ve been through this song and dance before, Katherine. If you wanna brave the winter, you gotta wear your winter-proof thigh highs
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Tisk tisk , she forgets the trade off for winter resistance is over heating in the summer. Poor girl must have traded lol
Oh my GOD, they killed Katherine! You BASTARDS!
Sorry… couldn’t help that one.
It’s been years since I actually read your comic, just been on Patreon, but fuck have I forgotten how good of a writer you are. Put a good hour or two into reading the comics I missed since the last time I read and worth the time. Ty for creating for as long as you have
I’d like to know exactly where Kat is from. How cold is it there?
Based on her mother, I’m going to say Minnesota.
Based on her mother, I’m going to say “cold” could also be used to describe their family relationship.
Perhaps when you’ve been subjected to emotional coldness, the physical stuff just doesn’t measure up?