#188 Sweetly Scary
on October 6, 2022
at 6:45 am
I don’t know what kind sick individual made a candy with like a 90% disapproval rate the most iconic sweet of Halloween, but as someone who’s in that 10%, I love them for it.
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Congratulations are in order–you’ve managed to make me want to eat some candy corn. Yes, I’d love the taste of some sweet, soft, delicious, wam, supple, tasty, TASTY candy corn. Also, apropos of nothing, isn’t Halloween like, still several weeks away? There will be more ‘Weencomics before November, right?
More Halloween comics are on the way! It’s October, after all ๐
Candy corn is good though. It is honey flavor.
I agree, I’m in that 10% as well. I like getting just an absolute ton of candy corn and snacking on it throughout the month.
A purveyor of absolute territory. Respect
Do we run from her, or you poise for selfies?
I’ve been seeing these comics posted on ifunny for a while and I finally decided to read all of them. Been a pretty fun couple of days, now I’m sad that I have to wait for new pages ๐
But hey it’s a pretty funny comic so I’ll be back ๐
Oh hell yeah! Thanks for reading 8)
Cuddlep00p…Do you still exist in this comic universe like the earlier comics?
I’m going to headcanon that Carmen is dressing up as the Candy Corn Witch. If you dislike candy corn and don’t participate in Hallowe’en with all your heart, she turns all your other candies to candy corn. If you like candy corn and do participate in Hallowe’en with all your heart, she turns all your other candies into candy corn.
Reminds me of a Halloween Costume Contest announcement I saw somewhere. They were going to hold a vote and award prizes for the best costumes in several categories. They were pretty nice prizes; I think one was an X-Box or a Playstation, I forget which. Prizes were offered for the best thematic couple’s costumes, scariest costumes, cutest, etc.
The prize for the costume that looked like it had had the least thought and effort put into it was a scrap of toilet paper with “furst pries” written on it in blue crayon. (I still have that scrap of Charmin, and I will treasure it forever.)
They also were giving out a prize for the worst, tackiest, lamest, most ridiculous costume, which was, if I recall correctly. The award for First Runner Up for the “Corniest Costume” award was a bag of candy corn, appropriately enough.
The first place winner’s prize for worst costume was… TWO bags of candy corn.
Comedic legend and curmudgeon Lewis Black once stated that all of the candy corn that has ever been made was manufactured in 1914, and since no one eats more than a few pieces, the uneaten ones are rounded up and resold to new unsuspecting dupes or people who want to torture others each year, meaning no new ones ever need to be made. I am convinced he’s right about this. Stuff’s NASTY. I’d still eat Carmen though, as she’s only dressed up LIKE candy corn. (I refer to eating here in a non-destructive sense that leaves the one who is eaten sopping wet and happy, ideally.) Katherine’s reaction is, I’m sure, for humorous effect. If there were a 4th panel in which Carmen winked at Katherine and whispered, “you can eat me, if you want,” I’m pretty sure Katherine would overcome her natural and completley understandable revulsion at the sight of the candy-corn-themed raiment and proceed directly to the licking and the kissing. I know I would.
By the way, Malecus… you’re not fooling anyone. Only the Candy Corn Witch actually spells Halloween WITH the apostrophe anymore, which is a throwback to Halloween’s original name, All Hallow’s Eve[‘](ning). You keep your nasty, disgusting confectionary abominations away from me and my candy!