#174 Shore Frame
on June 30, 2022
at 2:16 am
Remember, no matter how in shape you wanna get for the beach, you’ll never be buffer than the beach itself. A six pack can never beat millions of tons of sand and water. But that never stops us from trying. God speed…
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The Patreon supporters all know she’s in great shape.
I don’t know if I’m pleasantly surprised or a little disappointed that Joey didn’t make a Joey-shaped hole in the door when he crashed through it.
Don’t worry Sandy, it’s a webcomic. Simply pull a Joey and will yourself into the body you want to have.
You already livin’ the dream, girl
give me more kevin pls i desire my boi
Use your imagination and Kevin can be in every comic. In this one, he’s outside right next to the door.
Shit, a lot of us prefer soft people.