#172 Praise Down Under
on March 15, 2018
at 12:50 am
If all inanimate objects were sentient, using toilet paper would be more fun I’m sure
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C0lornami – Colorist
Cool Friends Cool Art
If all inanimate objects were sentient, using toilet paper would be more fun I’m sure
Cuddlep00pĀ Links
C0lornami – Colorist
Cool Friends Cool Art
.. my friend who doesnt have a dad is making a boomerang in his woodshop class. should i worry?
You should definitely show this comic to your friend.
also cuddlep00p with those shameless plugin on imgur.
Does the Archive only get filled in once a year is complete, or as comics are released?
Because either way the 2017 section is missing.
It’s probably a more of “whenever Cuddlep00p gets around to it” kind of thing.