#107 Discount Miracles
on December 1, 2016
at 6:42 am
As unfortunate as this situation is, something tells me it’s the universes way of paying Carmen back for last years Christmas comic
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Little Asteroid (friends webcomic)
For those who are too lazy to look it up. 😛
Santa called you out on that one Catherine!
That one’s Carmen you idiot
Play nice…
No. It’s been 100 comics, he should know which is which by now.
Christ calm down, i made a mistake, i knew that was Carmen, i just accidentally typed Catherine.
so salty.
omg carmen’s tooth it’s so qt I’m
Just want to say, I spent the last 3 hours at work loading your comics from the start because imgur showed this specific comic and I fell in love, however since I’m a min wage slave I can’t donate, but I can compliment your stuffs!
Also, you should bring back the cat as a ghost 😛
no no no no no NOT AGAIN
u cum gargling retard
They can’t have been paying attention for those 3 hours :p.
Call center where there’s very few calls a day, talking 3-4 a day so not much to do. which is awesome. and why the insults z3fir? Never commented here before nor have i seen you anywhere.
Not sure if not paying attention, or trolling…
I wish you’d get Disqus for the comments.
Please don’t
Please do.
I really love how your artstyle has improved since the beginning of all this insanity. The lighting is simply beautiful.
I wish your wish had been something realistic. But hey, can’t win em all.