#106 Invisible War
on February 25, 2021
at 12:00 am
The scariest scares are the scares you least expect. Scary.
(I know this is a redraw, but I liked the original joke so much I wanted it to be immortalized in the reboot as well)
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There was a reboot?
Huh… I assumed I had went through the entire archive as I do with all coolio comics. A transgression that will promptly be resolved.
Btw cuddlepoop: lol your art has come a long way
This is the 106th comic after the reboot, there where 220 before the reboot. Here is the last comic before it rebooted: http://www.soggycardboard.com/?comic=220-control-plus-z
I liked the comic last time, and I like it still. And I’m impressed because last time I mentioned you could phone it in at any time by putting Joey’s surprise floating head into a scene with someone spooked and call it a running joke, but you’ve never taken that low road.
Congrats on years of uninterrupted quality content, Cudd!