#094 What’s in a Character? – Part 2
on August 25, 2016
at 4:16 am
Loooong comic! If I’m gonna do exposition and try to add any amount of back story to this crazy fucking place I might as well split it between 10 panels of random shit. Also props to Katherine for her core strength. Falling asleep while propped up dangling like that? No wonder she wears midriffs when older. Show off them gainz
Is it bad that im up at 8 in the fucking morning reading your comic?
Oh god, Joey’s doing the crazy stuff again
Well maidcamaa nuts, how about that.
SSSSKKRRRREEEEEE! *Girlish screams, fade to black.*
You okay there mate?
Dun dun, dun dun *Water running down a drain noise.* Get some sleep…
It’s 3 where i am right now.
is da devil