Hey I’m not doing gross red shading in the weeks comic. Also this’ll be a 3 part adventure! Yaaaaay! Tune in next week where things’ll get creepy.
Hey I’m not doing gross red shading in the weeks comic. Also this’ll be a 3 part adventure! Yaaaaay! Tune in next week where things’ll get creepy.
Murderous little girl, calling it!
Oh joy, I think we are going to see some death soon! (grabs rain coat) bring on the blood bath, I got front row tickets!
The fields with a little * are requiered.
The comment field doesn’t have one, yet I still have to type something.
Do I sense tentacle porn? =D
Oh shit, Katherine’s related to Hatsune Miku?
Nah she’s a friend. A creepy… creepy friend.
I love the dialogue in this comic.
“That’s the kind of xenophobia that started the holo-jesus”
Cuddlep00p, make the holojesus happen. I wants it and needs it.