Iiiiit’s more vulgar housecat! And this time he isn’t all talk! Woooh, abusive house pets!
So this week not much new has happened. Been busy as fuuuuuuuck but that’s not new.
OH ACTUALLY! I handed out my first Patreon rewards for my Patrons! They got to see some EXCLUSIVE SEXY SIDE ILLUSTRATIONS as a result of their contribution! Like this one!
And a bunch more! Look-at that pink hair. Fuckin look at it. She must use L’oreal.
ANYWAYS! If you guys wanna help support me and my artistic endeavors as well as get some rockin side pictures out of the deal among other things, check out my Patreon Page!
I put out.
Anydoodle, hope you enjoyed and see you lovely people next week!
I had no idea they made shorts that short. I mean, the strings hang lower than they do.
Nonsense! Longer than underwear, but shorter than short shorts. The world of female pajama bottoms know no bounds. Breaking laws left and right. Shit’s crazy.
Just do me a favor and keep writing such trnnchaet analyses, OK?
Classic vulgar house cat. I’d keep him in my front window to faintly spew insults at passerby.
He’ll scare away the Jehovah’s witnesses!
Or Santa
Is that a good or a bad thing?
I mistook the lamp as cat ears on Carmen at first. (This was the first one I saw so I didn’t realize there were no cat girls in it yet. Yet.)
This is both street smart and inilletgent.
amazing very aweoms e so cool u r my idol
If you’re sarcastic to me one more time I swear to god you’ll never be allowed here again you cheeky goober
3rd time round going through these comics and I just realized that Kat has blood coming from her mouth, bravo on details!