#018 Four’s a Party
on June 20, 2019
at 12:00 am
YOU’RE a main character! And YOU’RE a main character! YOU’RE ALL MAIN CHARACTERS!! Except you.
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YOU’RE a main character! And YOU’RE a main character! YOU’RE ALL MAIN CHARACTERS!! Except you.
Cuddlep00p Links
About time that bestgirl got back in the show.
But Carmen’s been here THE WHOLE TIME
thats a weird way of spelling Joey
I love how none of you can spell “Oegyein” right.
Of all the stuff you’ve posted, Cuddlep00p, this is the most disappointing.
why are you even here
So, three takeaways from this:
Joey shaves his legs.
Joey shaves his legs while still wearing socks that go halfway up his shins.
Joey shaves his legs against the grain.
And Carmen knows a little German
Yeah, a litte.
“verlassen” is the _infinitiv_. What she’d need to use would be the _imperativ_ – “Verlasse!”. Still, nobody ever says “Verlasse!” to tell someone to leave (it’s used so seldom, it sounds wrong). Rather, Germans would say “Verschwinde!” (literally “Disappear!”, but better translated as “Get lost!”), or “Raus!” (“Out!”). In large parts of Germany there’s also the more common (but not proper German) wording “Schleich di(ch)!” (literally “Sneak yourself!” – meaning: “Get out, and don’t make a commotion out of it!”).
And I think that’s about all alternatives that aren’t too polite (“Hinfort mit dir!”, “Weiche von mir!”), or too vulgar (I’ll spare you the examples)…
I mean can you even really tell the direction he’s going, I see no indication of movement in that frame
Carefully examine how the blade/s is/are positioned on the style of razor in Joey’s hand, note how he is holding it, and then answer your own post.
Knowing Joey it is probabla a T-shaped toothbrush and he is cleaning and open bone fracture making sure the bone is nice and clean.
Man what a wacky group of friends! I hope to see more of these kiddos. This is Don Cheadle btw
Hi, Don! I loved you in Hamburger Hill!
Youre breathtaking!
Sorry, Cheadle, but you’re not Keanu and never will be. We still love you, though.
Wait, but what happened to Kevin’s “Box Baby”?
Who’s Kevin?
Not you I guess :/
our lord
actually, the german one should be “Hau ab!” or “Verschwinde!”
I know I’m super late but I just found this comic yesterday and I’ve been binge reading it.
“Salir” doesn’t mean “leave”, it means “to leave”. It’s the wrong tense. What you want is either “¡Sal!” (leave!/get out!) or “¡Fuera!” (out!). I checked google translator because I supposed that’s what you used and indeed for some reason it gives the wrong translation and it also doesn’t seem to recognise “sal” in this context instead thinking I’m referring to salt. By the way google translator seems to only understand “salga”, the formal form of it, also failing with the alternative “salí”(other dialect, wouldn’t fit her character’s origin).
Welp, that was a long “uhm, actually”. Sorry for that, I had to.